Friday, April 24, 2009


I'm reading a little book called The Complete Idiot's Guide to Decluttering. It talks about what I call the ECO method: Eliminate, Categorize, and Organize. This concept, they say, can b applied to anything. So, I wondered if it could be applied to relationships as well. We all have relationships in out lives that we can't let go of, so why not ECO our lives? Eliminate the people that will bring you down with negative energies and concepts. They usually step in and out of your life and cause a little mayhem when they return. They could be ex's, old friends, bad neighbors, or that "wrong crowd" that you always used to hang with. Categorize those people whom you do get along with. The neighbors that give good advice, the friends that stand by you and console, help and encourage you, the family members that help you to aspire your dreams, etc. Now, the interesting part is the Organizing part because you do have some people in your life that are helpful, but they can be a problem at some point in life due to your own feelings, their emotions, and other predisposing factors. Take your time and assess the people in your life, because you don't want to burn any bridges that you might need later. Lol, there I go rationalizing things again. If you have to burn a few bridges, do so because God will provide.

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