Some men have options, but all women have options. Men have options because they
themselves are an option to some female. We men don't always have options, we tend to attempt to create them and fail miserably. I don't think we were made to have options. For some reason, some men have options based on physical standpoints: money, length of penis, you get the picture. But the other guys, the ones that actually have a heart, don't have any. So, they are stuck being the man that they always were: some woman's doormat. Don't you just hate that? I have been a doormat and it looks like I'm in the process of being another one. Ahhhhhh, the mistakes we make and how it follows us to the end of time. Lovely. Men, you have an option to not hold a woman's sins over her head. Women, you also have that same option, even though I know you won't use it. For some women, past sins are leverage to get their way. It's sad to see, but real regardless. So, think people,.....
What are your options??????????????????
A Knight in Contemplation
I totally agree with you on this and most if not all of your other posts. We do have options in life it's up to us however to either use them or ignore them. Either way, there is a consequence or a reaction to every action.