The ins, the outs, the ups, the downs, the round and rounds of life
Like a merry go round, like a roller coaster, no one gets the same seat
No one takes the same track, no one goes the same route
Different seats, different paths, unless they are parallel
How do we ride this ride? We can steer somewhat…
We steer through our life story with our own naïve minds at the wheel
Some help from our peers, but that never helps much but to steer us somewhere weird
They never know how to present the right path the right way.
Always lost, our peers they are. Hmmm.. But I digress
Watching people get lost due to their stress
Steering their life story through a whole lot of mess
And it’s harder because people just don’t want to understand
Everything is solved in violence, pain, and suffering.
All because one person wants to understand too little too late
When the brains are splattered against the floor
And the breath is no more
That’s when all the words seem to flow together
You instantly learn what you need to say
When you know that someone’s life pen can stop today.
That is the ride of life…..
White Knight a.k.a.Richard R.
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