Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Interesting Thought

The million dollar question that everyone asks, but few have the answer to.  The moment of truth that most lie on. The ugly day where you want the sun to shine but it rains all day. What is this thing, this question, this moment of dread?  It’s when the person you were either dating, are still dating, or married to asks the question: what do you want from me?  The question freezes you to the ground.  God forbid if you were driving when this question hits as possible unconsciousness might be a result.  Most people give the generic answers, just to get the person off their back.  Others tell the truth: I don’t know.  Even that sometimes may be perceived as a lie because supposedly everyone should know what they want.  They should always have a mental list of what they want so that if the need arises, the question can be answered flawlessly.  Lol.  A flawless answer…. Isn’t that a paradox?  Nothing in this world is flawless.  Even the most “perfect” diamond is perfect because of the fact that it has the least amount of perceivable flaws.  You can’t even answer with the generic “whatever you want to give” because if they choose to give nothing, you can’t complain-that is what you asked for. The fact of the matter is that most men don’t know what they want when a woman asks them.  The question forces all thought out of the mind, even the thought process with the answer in it.  So, when someone asks you that question, whomever it is, tell them the truth.  It might hurt you and them, but it’s what it is.

White Knight

It is Time....

It is time... to out for yourself
It is time... to protect one's own health
It is time... to believe in your gifts
It is time... to be your own lift

If you want others to believe in you, you do it first
if you need others to trust you, quench your thirst
for acceptance in this world by accepting the fact
that you aren't the perfect one, so cut yourself some slack

Life isn't easy, trust me I know
it can easily swoop down and crush you in a blow
but if you want to stay off the ground
if you want to stick around
and realize your dream
give yourself a little steam
God will do the rest

I just realized that the only one who can clean you up, fix you right, gain trust, love and live life is God, but you have to trust the gifts that He's put inside you first. As I am writing this, I am looking at the plank in my own eye, the amount of disbelief that I have had in my own abilities, strengths, and endowments. I need you change that and so do you. Whoever decides to read this must understand that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength, right? But I had a thought: strength for what... strength to believe.... to have faith in what He's already given us... I know the road isn't going to be easy and the trials more difficult, but I will succeed because I now understand and I have to remind myself daily that God is on my side to help me believe in me through Him. Take your time and believe in yourself....

White Knight

Sunday, February 14, 2010


The ins, the outs, the ups, the downs, the round and rounds of life
Like a merry go round, like a roller coaster, no one gets the same seat
No one takes the same track, no one goes the same route
Different seats, different paths, unless they are parallel

How do we ride this ride? We can steer somewhat…
We steer through our life story with our own naïve minds at the wheel
Some help from our peers, but that never helps much but to steer us somewhere weird
They never know how to present the right path the right way.

Always lost, our peers they are. Hmmm.. But I digress
Watching people get lost due to their stress
Steering their life story through a whole lot of mess
And it’s harder because people just don’t want to understand

Everything is solved in violence, pain, and suffering.
All because one person wants to understand too little too late
When the brains are splattered against the floor
And the breath is no more
That’s when all the words seem to flow together
You instantly learn what you need to say
When you know that someone’s life pen can stop today.
That is the ride of life…..
White Knight a.k.a.Richard R.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love, an interesting concept

I'm writing this now because it just occurred to me. What the Bible labels love is something that most people won't you.... I repeat, it is something most people WON'T do.  Why, you ask? Because from what I'm gathering, it's more than you think.  I Corinthians 13 starts by saying that if one has the faith to move mountains and doesn't have love, he is nothing.  Luke 6:27-36 says that we should love those that hate us, bless those who curse us..... Hmmmm. Can we really..... It sounds like an unlikely situation, but it's possible. I know I'm not there yet.  I still have my sins and those to whom I've committed sins.  Yet, I want to say that I won't be deterred in my quest to attain such a mindset, but I gotta be real... I've built my life around trying to keep people happy. Has it worked? Of course not.... People are still mad at me.... Mad that their expectations of me aren't what I've given... Mad that I didn't give enough... you know what??? Ima try and love y'all anyways.  I'm dying slowly inside because I can't please you all and your high expectations and your goals and your stuff.... Slowly.... You ain't gotta believe me..... When you get to my funeral, don't be shocked..... But I digress, I've swerved off topic lol.  Love is an interesting concept, but you have to keep God ahead of the pack because if you live a life trying to get others to love you by loving them 2-3 times as much, you're in for a rude awakening.....
