Friday, November 13, 2009

YAHA Day 2

It's after 12 and I'm having sooo many problems, none of which any human can help me cope with. I don't like being alone. It tears me apart from the seams. It destroys my inner character, the me that I have been trying to develop from a long time ago. I cannot maintain on my own. I really can't I just walked out of a seminar where it's telling me that all the things that I would like to do have prerequisites. These prerequisites have stipulations that I can't meet. My heart won't survive another relationship right now. I heard about an acquaintance who had jumped off of a builing, all sue to stress. I never want to get to that point, even though I know that I have gotten close.... A lil too close for commfort for my own liking, if I even have that sort of thing. I know what I have to do, but my mindset is stuck on so much different things, that I don't know which way to go. It hurts too often. I'm almost at the point where casual firting will hurt, again.... and this is only Day 2

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