Friday, August 7, 2009

Unification vs. Conformity

As a people, regardless of color, we all come to a point in our lives when we have to make a choice of whether we will unify or conform to the society of the day. I was sitting in church when the pastor informed us that we have to make a choice. I didn't understand until the service was over and I walked out. When the disciples were together in the upper room, they were on one accord with doing God's work, and they were blessed. So what will happen if we are on one accord with God or even on one accord with our fellow man? Will life be easier or will there be more problems?

Many people have chosen to conform to the ways of what they see around them: conforming to the oppression that we put on one another, the heartaches that we administer to one another, the misunderstandings and all the others that come with non-unification. How much stronger would we be if we just unified, if we were on one accord with our co-workers, spouses, boyfriends/girlfriends, kids, peers. This world would have another spin altogether: less people in jail, less children having kids, less sins happening because as we concur with each other and we are unified, we are ultimately unified with God.

So, make your choice: will you unify or will you conform..........

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