Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The way things were...

Have you ever seen the video game The Prince of Persia? If you do something wrong, you can use the Sands of Time to replay time and try again... I see now that we as humans want that power, or so we think. I am more so talking about problematic relationships, marriages, etc.. One person will always say "I want things to go back to the way things were", and not realize what they are asking for until it's too late. We are all culprits of that statement. We all want things to go back to before there were problems. But, the problem with that mentality is this: we want to go back, but we don't realize when the problems started. We don't realize the gift that lies before us. Yea, I said gift. This gift is the power to move forward and to do better. We don't want that ideal, we want things the way they were.....

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